See Kabul

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Great fun

A friend gave me a link to this site and It's great. Some of you might have tried some lame "type & talk" programs on your computers but this beats it all... Especially if you try the Norwegian voice named Kari.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Does my blog own me...?

Yeah, found this test while browsing a friends blog and I had to test it...
I'm happy to proclame that this highly logically and scientificly grounded test based on individual social patterns reveals I'm not by any chance owned by my own blog :)

Or is the fact that I'm actually posting this a proof of something else?

0 %

My weblog owns 0 % of me.
Does your weblog own you?

Musicquote of the day: "And I do it all for fun", Bertine Zetlitz.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Home sweet home

Finnaly the easter has come and I'm home with my friends and family. I thought I should use the opportunity to write something more about Battle Griffin.

As you might have noticed, all pictures and words about this exercise have so far been quite positive, so I feel now that I have to enlight some other experiences too...

For natural reasons I cannot tell about and take pictures of everything that I do (especially of some of the radio-equipment), simply because I can get in bigtime trouble for revealing NATO-restricted stuff...

I'll take this in Norwegian, because it's easier :)

Eksempel på utfordringene som jeg som en sambands-soldat i telekompani har er det å komme frem til posisjonene som vi får ordrer om å kjøre til.
Dette er ofte gudsforlatte fjelltopper som det ikke nødvendigvis går en vei til, så vi må ofte "lage" veien.
Jeg sier "lage" fordi det for det meste går ut på å fyre den lille, men tunge beltevogna vår (ja, den er en god del mindre en stridsvognene du ser for deg) over skog og mark og håpe på at vi kommer oss opp, og det er ikke alltid like lett...
Ord som beltevinsjing, snømåking, bakkeklatring, vannforsering, kartlesing og mørkekjøring forteller mye om utfordringene våre (spesielt med tanke på at det ofte er i ukjent terreng).

Når vi så kommer frem venter utfordringene i kø. Nærforsvar, kamuflering og spesielt radioskuddene bruker vi mye tid på. Vi setter opp et nett som er ganske likt det telenor har, bortsett fra at vi er mobile og flytter hele tiden.

Dette er sannsynligvis ganske kjedelig lesning for de fleste allerede, så jeg tror at jeg stopper der for i dag.

Det er påske!!

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Another 360 picture

Another 360 picture

This was actually the first 360 picture I made, from the first location of Battle Griffin. We were standing at a beautiful location near a farm up a hillside.
What we saw was snow, blue skyes, a great view, our installation, green forest, an old shed and the farm.
It was what in Norwegian we would call "idyll".

360 degree picture

360 degree picture

This is a 360 degree-picture I made from the last location I was stationed with my wagon the last exercise.
Quite an awesome view, and as the say, a picture can tell more than a thousand words, but the feeling of actually standing there beats the picture a thousand times....

Friday, March 11, 2005


Blue skyes

Battle Griffin 2005. This is the kind of pictures I will remember from my year in the army.
The mobile installation you see here is where I have been working this year (and for one week, at this beautiful location).

Red skyes

Blue skyes

Blue skyes

Blue skyes

Almost home

Battle Griffin is over and I'm back in camp -oh joy.
It was a good exercise and I'm quite satisfied with it. The last days was boring so it feels good to be almost home again. I say almost home because I'm not home before I start my eastern-leave in one week.
I had many good experiences during the exercise, pictures will appear when I get home and can upload them.